لیک انجمن های حقوق ساخت کشورهای اروپایی:
Association Française pour le Droit de la Construction (French Society of Construction Law)
Belgian Society of Construction Law – Flemish website (Belgium)
Belgian Society of Construction Law – French website (Belgium)
Česká společnost pro stavební právo (Czech Republic)
Det Danske Selskab for Byggeret (The Danish Society for Construction and Consulting Law)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Baurecht (Germany)
Hellenic Society for Technology & Construction Law (Greece)
Instituut voor Bouwrecht (Netherlands)
Institut für Schweizerisches und Internationales Baurecht (Switzerland)
Istituto Italiano per il diritto delle costruzioni ed appalti internazionali (Italian Society for Construction Law)
Norsk Forening for Bygge- og Entrepriserett (Norwegian Society of Construction Law) (Norway)
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Baurecht (Austria)
Society of Construction Law (UK)
Svenska Föreningen för Entreprenad- och Konsulträtt (SVEFEK) (Swedish Society for Construction and Consulting Law)